Join us as we start the adventure of parenthood x 2!!
We are so excited for the twins we wanted to use our blog to share with all our Friends & Family!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 20 weeks Babies!!

    The babies are growing, growing, growing!  How do I know? - well in the last post 3 weeks ago I mentioned my dr. said I would really start growing (showing) now - and glad she gave me a heads up or I would have thought there was somthing wrong!  My belly has been expanding like crazy and is expected to keep going another 4 weeks at this pace!  Ive been feeling great - just tired - but on my days off I rest!  So that has been working pretty well!
    Marc has been home for a few weeks. He is busy finishing a couple things on our house and also with college classes.  We will have our house officially on the market next week!  Wish us luck - our Sheboygan market held pretty level until about last summer - we thought we would be ok - but since then it has been going down hill!  So we will see!
     We have our long and exciting ultra sound on Tues morning, Feb 1st - so we are looking forward to that!  I cannot wait to see which way the babies are positioned, mostly so I can tell what part is moving where!  Its hard to know if that is foot/hand/head or what is moving!!  Also looking for a confirmation that one is a boy/girl. 
     Its hard not to buy such cute little baby things!!  Especially seeing as I have a lot of down time at work and home - online shopping is quite the problem.  Mostly I have held back though!  I haven't bought very much at all - just a lot of "browsing"


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Doc Apt Update - 17 weeks / 4 months

Good Morning! 
Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment for this month.  I am now starting my 5th month (as of yesterday) and more excitingly my 18th week - which for me will be my 1/2 way mark.  Something Ive learned is that twins full term is 37 weeks as opposed to the 40 weeks, and they can be delivered healthy anytime after 35 weeks with the average being 36 weeks.  They run out of room to grow properly as well as I run out of the capability of being able to give them all the nurishments they need to keep growing!  My doctor is fabulous - she says Im growing perfectly and we heard the two heartbeats as well and they sounded good!  In 3.5 weeks we will have the long ultrasound where they look at every part of the babies anatomy - she said it takes about and hour per baby - so to plan on for 2 hours!! 

Also going on in our lives:  Marc is away in CT at a school for 2 weeks. He will be home next Friday.  He has 1- 2 week school in each Jan, Feb and March!  His new job is much different than his previous jobs, so more training!  That leaves me and Sadie here in WI!!  During the past week Ive been finishing up our house to get it on the market.  The original plan was to have it listed on Feb. 1st.  We had a surprise couple that was interested in looking at our house early, so I had to rush and finish painting, cleaning, sorting closests, more cleaning for them to walk thru yesterday afternoon.  I have not heard back yet, but hope to in the next couple days for some feedback!  This was kind of stressful, as I thought we had a few more weeks and the fact that Marc is gone!!  But that is ok - now I can relax for a few days - my house is sparkeling!! 

My doctor said the babies and my belly will really start to take off and grow like crazy as of now, so as soon as Marc gets home Im going to take a few pics and get those posted! 
