Join us as we start the adventure of parenthood x 2!!
We are so excited for the twins we wanted to use our blog to share with all our Friends & Family!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What a week!

     Last weekend on Sunday my friends here in Sheboygan threw me a great baby shower!  It was at my previous neighbor's house in Sheboygan.  We had a couples shower which was fun, basically a lot of socializing a couple games and presents!  We are pretty much all set now!  Marc put the pack n play together this am, which we received last weekend, and it is fabulous - I love it!  It has a bassinet, vibrating seat and changing table area.
    On Tuesday I had a non stress test where they hook me up to monitors and listen to the babies heart beats. It was the 2nd one I've had.  The baby boy's heart rate was far too high, so I had to sit and do the test for an extra 30 min.  After that, the doctor was still concerned and had me do an ultrasound as well.  He is not growing as fast as he should be and the gap between him and his sister is getting bigger.  Other than that, all other organs are doing fine and he doesn't seem too much in danger.  His environment is a little bit stressful our doc. said, so she is now monitoring him very closely.  I know have ultrasounds 2x per week. After each one, I meet with her and she decides if she needs to schedule delivery, or if we are safe to make it to our next apt.  On Thursday we had an ultrasound, and at that apt. my doc. said the babies looked healthy enough to make it to Monday.  So we now take this day by day.
    I made it to last Thursday which was 34 weeks, and after that they won't stop me if I go into labor.  The babies would be ok to be born.  My next goal is this Thurs or 35 weeks in which case I will be able to deliver here in Sheboygan (as opposed to going to a bigger hospital equipped to handle preemies better).  My doc. thinks I can make it!  We will see on Mon. afternoon!
    I do have some new pics to post - hopefully this afternoon or tomorrow!!


Monday, April 25, 2011

WOW my belly is soo big!

I am feeling so huge today!  It is taking me so long to do anything, I'm moving so slowly!  I am trying to remember to add extra time in for walking and moving slow, but sometimes forget!  I am starting my 4 hr days and 15 hr work week this week, we will see if I succeed -

My lower back is hurting now.  I have an acupuncture apt. tomorrow and am so excited!  I haven't been in about 6 weeks or so.  I love it!  For those of you who don't know, I started seeing her last July after reading all the positive things that it does for you body including helping you conceive.  So I know for a fact it has helped regulate hormones, energy and fluids in my body! I can feel it working as I lay there in a treatment and then feel amazing the week or two after.  I was going to see her every week, a couple times a week before I got pregnant, then a few times in the first trimester.  Now I am starting again.  She says she can help relieve some back pain for me, as well as prepare my body for delivery and make it easier!  I think that is worth a try and I haven't had any of the treatments not work yet!

Marc is in Milwaukee for a conference this week - he will be home on Thursday.  The babies should stay put!  :)

My great friends here in Sheboygan are throwing me a baby shower this Saturday!  I am excited to see everyone and it sounds like a fun party!  I do not know anything about it as far as theme, food or anything!!  That part is fun for me!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Belly Pics

 29 wks 31 wks

Week 33

Marc and I had a nice week this past week!  Finally a week of no moving - but it we both mentioned it still feels like we will be going  back home (sheboygan house).  Maybe because none of our stuff his here (furniture) or because we are still in the area working and all of our friends are here so nothing much feels different except where we are living?!??!  Maybe it is good to have this transition time so it's not such a shock and as hard when we do leave WI!  We have made great friends here and have enjoyed the last 4 yrs!

We had an ultrasound on Friday.  Lexi is weighing in at 3lb. 15 oz (almost 4lb!!!) and Oliver is weighing in at 3lbs. 5 oz. They are growing at the same pace as the last ultrasound 3 weeks ago so that is what the doctor wanted to see the most!!  They are practicing breathing with fluid at this time (im not exactly sure how this works, but they got a high score for doing it!).  I start to see the doctor 1x next week then 2x a week from then on.  At these next apts I will be doing what they call nonstress tests - they put a monitor on me and the babies and observe for about an hour.  I will know more about this after next Friday when I have my first one!!

We got more details on the last few weeks of the twin pregnancy.  32 weeks is a big benchmark in that if the babies are born today, they will have no major health issues and will be fine!  After 34 weeks (which is a scary 1.5 weeks away) they will not stop me if I go into labor!! At 35 weeks, May 12th, the babies would not have to spend anytime at the NICU.  (Which is my goal to get to - and we learned there is not a NICU at our local hospital, so if they do need to go there, they will need to be transported to Milwaukee, which would not be too convenient.) Also I don't want them to come earlier than that b/c they will be too small!  At 36 weeks both babies should be in the 5lbs so that is where I would like to be!!  We will see!  Both babies are head down, and should stay that way.  I will be able to deliver vaginally as long as there isn't an emergency of some kind.

I am feeling pretty good!  Sleeping is getting progressively harder as is getting up out of a chair and bending over!  I can simply not get enough air and feel as though each breath I am taking a deep breath!  I would like the babies to drop soon so I can have my diaphragm back! I measured to term for a singleton, or 40 weeks!  My belly grew 3 weeks of singleton growth in the last 1.5 weeks!!  So my doctor is happy with that as the goal now is to have the babies keep growing as much as they can!  Although with this my maternity clothes are getting tight in the belly b/c well usually women are done by this point!  I bought an XL shirt instead of L, but everything else except the belly is too big - i.e. the shoulders and neck, so that doesn't look too good!  The babies do move a lot - mostly you see every kick and arm movement b/c they are laying horizontal and all 4 feet are at the top of my belly!

Till next time -

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 32

Well the last two weeks were NUTS!!!  But we are here now in our condo (where we will be for the next 2 months!) and everything is put away.  We can now have a few relaxing weeks before our lives get crazy for a long long time!!  :) We are pretty much all settled in here at the condo - a few ??s pop up like where is this again?  But overall we love it here!

We have the babies room all set-up for the most part.  I'm waiting on a few more items, but we are almost ready!  I'll be taking some pics later this week - and posting them.

We closed on our sheboygan house on last Friday so we are officially 100% done with that and homeownership!  We could not be more excited!  We did not want to be messing around with that any further in to my pregnancy!

I am feeling far better than I thought I would at week 32!  I am happy about that! It is getting a little crazy trying to move around and rolling over in bed to get a comfy position, but other than that, I am doing well!  My energy level has stayed pretty high, I am not overly tired as I thought I might be.  I started swimming here at the resort indoor pool and love it!  I swim for about 45 min. at a time and am able to stretch and use my legs and it feels good.  Walking was getting too hard, b/c my back would hurt and I would get some Braxton Hicks in my lower stomach during the walk, so swimming has been a relief!  I wear my support stockings everyday and get 0 swelling, which is amazing!  So I am not dealing with that at all.
        I am also carrying a little wide as opposed to out so I am measuring about 38 singleton weeks.  Originally my doctor thought I would measure 40 weeks at my week 28-29, so I am thankful of my size!  I just hit the 30 lbs. gained last week and have maintained that this week and that is super exciting to me!  This is pretty much all baby and fluids.  I should deliver 12lbs of baby, 18-20 lbs of other baby fluids, so that is pretty much all of it!  I will probably gain about 5 more lbs or so before I deliver.  The babies are growing well!  We have an ultrasound on Friday to see exactly who is weighing how much and to see how the rest of this pregnancy will go.  I should start seeing the doctor every week after Friday as well.
    The goal is to get to 34 weeks with no problems.  At that point if I go into labor, they will not stop it my doctor said.  The babies will be big enough to be ok and the risks out weigh the pros of stopping labor!  That is in 16 days!!  OMG - But 34 weeks will be a little early - a better delivery goal is 35-37 weeks.  I have a feeling it will be in the 36the week - sometime between May 16-21 or so!!  We shall see!

I cannot believe I will be a Mommy of 2 babies in about 3-4 weeks.  That seems sooooo crazy! All this waiting and trying and planning and the time is here!!  How amazing! My mom and step-dad is coming to stay with us from May 16-28th and Marcs mom is then staying from May 25-June 16th ish, then I will head to my dads from June 17th - July 7th.  I am thankful I will have help for the first 2 months solid!  That is going to be a life saver!

28 weeks!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Pictures from our Valpo Shower (Indiana) -

Isn't this a Fabulous Picture!!  Thank you Susan, Melissa & Michelle for a wonderful day!

The venue was the cutest place in the world for a baby shower!

Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate the babies with us!!  It was so wonderful to see you all!

Thank you Ryann for the 

amazing letters!  

I cannot wait until we get to Maine to hang them above the cribs!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Weeks

      Weekend before last I went home to Valpo and had a wonderful visit!  Susan, Melissa and Michelle threw a shower for me and it was perfect!  It was at Designer Desserts and everyone had a great time!  It was so nice to see friends and family I haven't seen in awhile all while celebrating our twins!  I got to stay for 5 days and hang out with Melissa and Finn and Michelle and my mom.  It was a nice time - and the last family hang out time before our twins.  That part is hard to believe - that the next time we see them we will be a family of 4 with 2 new babies!!  I cannot believe we are so close!
     This is my week 30 - with Thursday being 30 full weeks and entering week 31.  My doctor and I are shooting for me to get to 35 weeks, maybe 36!  Up until about 2 weeks ago, I would have said "No problem"  but in the last 1.5 weeks, I have taken a turn down a different road.  I am officially in the "uncomfortable stage".  I feel as though I could not grow anymore if I wanted to, but I know I have much more growing to do!! I am trying to rest when I can and that is helping!  I also got my compression stockings in and wear them daily - I love them!!  They help so much - my legs hurt a lot less!
    Marc and I are moving to the condo at Victorian Village Resort, the resort where I work, where we will be until mid June.  We are doing that over the whole week, taking a little at a time. We are trying to take only essentials, the babies seem to have a lot of these said "essentials".  The movers come next Monday - Wednesday to our Sheboygan house and get everything else packed up and taken to where they store it until we need it in July.  We officially close on our house next Friday, April and cannot wait to NOT be homeowners! So these two weeks are crazy!!  But as soon as next week is over, it will be easy does it for me anyways!!  I am so (Marc is too) looking forward to a little down time these last few weeks before our babies come.  Well - thats it for now - I'm heading to put a few more boxes together!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Third Trimester!!!!

Thursday will be 28 weeks!  How exciting that we are in the 3rd trimester!  I am feeling good overall.  I had a doc apt. last Friday and my doctor gave me an A for the visit!!  Blood pressure was good, weight is doing good (Ive gained 25 lbs so far - I'm proud of myself for that!) and swelling seems to be a normal level.  I am having some circulation issues.  The extreme swelling I had last week and the nearly passing out when sitting straight up and down - my doctor said both are because of so much extra pressure from having 2 babies in the middle of my body and blood and fluids are having a hard time getting up and down!  To help with this I have ordered compression stockings, and must keep my feet up when I can.

We are moving to Victorian Village Resort in Elkhart Lake April 7th ish and will live there until June 17th.  We are both excited about that.  We will have the movers come and get everything on April 15th and hold it until we get to Maine.  We will just take our clothes and the babies stuff pretty much. Also Im going to start swimming for exercise at the resort pool and am looking forward to that.

Last week I went to Southern IN to visit my mom and family and had a beautiful time and a wonderful shower.  Here are a couple pics.

Mom & Mamaw have been working on these matching afghans for the twins! Aren't they sweet!            

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost 26 weeks!

Thursday will be 26 weeks!  Then I will start month 7 of my pregnancy!  I am trying to get to week 35-36 with the babies before I need to deliver.  I had an appointment last Friday and everything was great!  It was an ultrasound apt.  So at 25 weeks the babies looked great!  Twin A is now the boy and Twin B is the girl.  A&B have everything to do with which one is "presenting" or further down and closest to the birth cannal - or in other words going to be born first.  So baby B decided to be head down and in that position and moved into baby A spot.  Previous Baby A is head down too, although the dr. said there was time to move still, but baby A should stay the boy now.  It all really doesn't matter - just a way for the doctors to keep track of each baby and which is in which position.
Girl: her head was 2.5'' across, heart beat was 155 and weighed 1lb 10oz
Boy: his head was 2.5'' across too, heart beat was 144 and weighed 1lb 7 oz

Im headed to southern IN this weekend to spend some time with my mom and her family.  I will be there for about 5 days.  They are having a shower for me there - the first shower for me and I am so excited!! 
Marc is in Virginia again for another training school for his new job.  He will be there for 2 weeks.

After 3 short weeks we sold our house!!  We cannot believe it and are super excited!  We will move out around April 10 and into a furnished rental until mid June.  From there I will head to Valpo for a few weeks and then to Maine!  Poor babies will be a little gypsy like for the first couple months!  But I am excited to now know where I will be when I bring home the babies from the hospital.  I can set-up a little area for them as soon as we move in - and that makes me happy!!!  Also to know we do not have to pay double mortgages - well one and then rent thru the summer is such a relief!!  Now on to sort what gets taken with the movers to Maine and what goes with me for the rest of the pregnancy and after!!

Here is my 24 week pic. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Camden, ME

We are so looking forward to moving to Maine!  Camden is the name of the town were we found an amazing rental.  Here are some pics of our new home along with a couple from the town of Camden.  It is a seasonal vacation town, similar to Elkhart Lake, WI (where I work now).
There are 3 units in this Victorian Mansion, two on the first floor and 1 on the second and 3rd floors.  We are renting the large one on the 2nd & 3rd fl.

 The patio on the 2nd floor is part of our unit.  It is off of the kitchen.  I think we will spend a lot of time there!

 This bedroom is on the 2nd floor, next to the master and will be the babies room.

This is Marc's new home away from home!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

21 week ultrasound pics. Twin A is the girl and Twin B is the boy.

5 months! (22 weeks)

We made it to a healthy 5 months!  I feel pretty lucky to have had a very easy and enjoyable pregnancy.  I am growing growing growing, but still is not uncomfortable.  Our next doc. appt is on March 2nd.  That will be an ultra sound as well.  From then on we will see the doctor every 2 weeks for a couple months.  Once a month will be an ultrasound.  They do this to see specifically how each baby is growing.  My doctor explained they cannot tell from a standard exam as they can with a singleton pregnancy!

During the middle of the night, I do somehow roll over onto my back and when I wake from that position and try to move, my lower back does hurt - but all in all that is my only concern.  I bought this amazing pregancy body pillow and that helps alot!  I am still a little unsure how I get rolled over, because I am pretty wedged in there when I go to sleep!

I am not having any cravings, except the foods that are my favorite normally sound very good now!!  (i.e. Mexican food, ice cream, yogurt and fruit.  There aren't many foods that I didn't like (Marc either) - so we are going thru a lot of groceries currently in our house!   

Our house officially is on the market tomorrow and we have our first open house on Sunday!  Please nice buyer come buy our house!  We feel good about it and are hopefull!  It is kinda scarey now though because it means we are only a few months from our next move!  We have been planning for this spring for awhile and now it is coming upon us! 

Marc is at another school right now unitl Feb. 16th.  He has several trainings to go to for his new position in Maine.  Right now he is in Portsmouth, VA.  I am headed to see my sister and neice in Jacksonville, FL on Saturday.  My dad is heading down as well and we will spend the week!  It will be a lot of fun - I can't wait!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 20 weeks Babies!!

    The babies are growing, growing, growing!  How do I know? - well in the last post 3 weeks ago I mentioned my dr. said I would really start growing (showing) now - and glad she gave me a heads up or I would have thought there was somthing wrong!  My belly has been expanding like crazy and is expected to keep going another 4 weeks at this pace!  Ive been feeling great - just tired - but on my days off I rest!  So that has been working pretty well!
    Marc has been home for a few weeks. He is busy finishing a couple things on our house and also with college classes.  We will have our house officially on the market next week!  Wish us luck - our Sheboygan market held pretty level until about last summer - we thought we would be ok - but since then it has been going down hill!  So we will see!
     We have our long and exciting ultra sound on Tues morning, Feb 1st - so we are looking forward to that!  I cannot wait to see which way the babies are positioned, mostly so I can tell what part is moving where!  Its hard to know if that is foot/hand/head or what is moving!!  Also looking for a confirmation that one is a boy/girl. 
     Its hard not to buy such cute little baby things!!  Especially seeing as I have a lot of down time at work and home - online shopping is quite the problem.  Mostly I have held back though!  I haven't bought very much at all - just a lot of "browsing"


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Doc Apt Update - 17 weeks / 4 months

Good Morning! 
Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment for this month.  I am now starting my 5th month (as of yesterday) and more excitingly my 18th week - which for me will be my 1/2 way mark.  Something Ive learned is that twins full term is 37 weeks as opposed to the 40 weeks, and they can be delivered healthy anytime after 35 weeks with the average being 36 weeks.  They run out of room to grow properly as well as I run out of the capability of being able to give them all the nurishments they need to keep growing!  My doctor is fabulous - she says Im growing perfectly and we heard the two heartbeats as well and they sounded good!  In 3.5 weeks we will have the long ultrasound where they look at every part of the babies anatomy - she said it takes about and hour per baby - so to plan on for 2 hours!! 

Also going on in our lives:  Marc is away in CT at a school for 2 weeks. He will be home next Friday.  He has 1- 2 week school in each Jan, Feb and March!  His new job is much different than his previous jobs, so more training!  That leaves me and Sadie here in WI!!  During the past week Ive been finishing up our house to get it on the market.  The original plan was to have it listed on Feb. 1st.  We had a surprise couple that was interested in looking at our house early, so I had to rush and finish painting, cleaning, sorting closests, more cleaning for them to walk thru yesterday afternoon.  I have not heard back yet, but hope to in the next couple days for some feedback!  This was kind of stressful, as I thought we had a few more weeks and the fact that Marc is gone!!  But that is ok - now I can relax for a few days - my house is sparkeling!! 

My doctor said the babies and my belly will really start to take off and grow like crazy as of now, so as soon as Marc gets home Im going to take a few pics and get those posted! 
